Aktivno sudjelovanje u društvu

Traže se dvije mlade osobe za volonterski projekt!

Udruga Krugovi, Centar za edukaciju, savjetovanje i humanitarno djelovanje traži i prima dvije mlade osobe iz Hrvatske na volonterski projekt usmjeren podršci društveno ranjivim skupinama.

Primaju se mladi iz ruralnih sredina sa nedostatnim radnim iskustvom, a dolaskom u Zagreb svakako im se nudi i mogućnost da uz volontiranje ponađu i neki honorarni posao.

U prilogu šaljemo opis projekta i dodatne informacije. Projektom je predviđen trošak slanja volontera za partnerske organizacije.

Sve zainteresirane mlade molimo da pošalju motivacijsko pismo i CV.
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Alex Rea: My time on EVS


I have devised this as a list of 9 things that I have done on my EVS that have been most important to me. I hope that this list can be of use to people in the future to help to inform them of the kinds of experiences that I have had in the first 4 months of living abroad as a volunteer.


I am currently volunteering for an Mreza udruga Zagor in Zabok, a small town in Zagreb. The main outline of the project is to install 2 volunteers to the local community with a view to promoting the organisation via media and introducing new people to the activities that are available to them in their local area.

  1. Youth Elections

One of the first actions that I have been involved in has been recording the process of democracy in the youth. The idea of the youth elections is to give young people an idea of how democracy works. Young people under the age of 30 met in Pregrada, Klanjec and Zabok respectively to plan how to spend a specific allotment of money. Groups of you people then plan and present their ideas to the rest of the group, including local officials and get to work promoting their ideas. A day is designed to hold the elections and a winner is chosen.

In a country where a lot of the local youth are unaware of the fact that they have a voice that can be heard by the government, there a lot of cases where people feel that they have little choice other than to seek employment elsewhere, it is very refreshing to see that a new generation is being given the tools to forge their own future and work to understanding that the political climate can only change when people stand together.

I found that being involved in this process gave me a great start to understanding the Krapina-Zagorje locality and how the local area looks. It also meant that I was informed about issues that are common and what the local youth want in terms of entertainment.

My involvement in this project has been to document the process through to the activity. This process is still ongoing as there are still 2 of the winning activities to be held which I will be videoing when they happen and then I will edit out a short video that shows this process in action.

  1. Recorded a Series of Workshops for #Alarmirajse

The #Alarmirajse project is a campaign that targets bullying and harassment between young people. There were a series of workshops held during the time when I initially began to work for the organisation, these included filmmaking, photography and production of a jingle. All of these workshops used creative mediums to promote the #Alarmirajse motif and the heavy objective of the initiative.

My involvement in the project was to video each of these workshops and use the footage to showcase the activities that had taken place over the course of the project. I also used the footage to create a video that could go along with the jingle that was made in the music production workshop. For me, this was the first real thing that I could do to assist the organisation as part of my EVS, I felt as if I was contributing in giving an identity to Zagor in the medium of video, which is what seems to be missing somewhat and heavily emphasised in the description of the role that I read prior to applying to be part of Zagor.

What I found most interesting, and quite a learning experience for me, was how there can be interesting topics linked to important messages. Each set of attendees at the each of the workshops were there to learn a practical skill, such as photography but the overall message was to support the #Alarmirajse project.

  1. Attended Several Information Fairs

The majority of information fairs that we have attended have been hosted by other non-government organisations (NGOs) that are partnered with, or close to, Zagor in one way or another. These fairs can be hosted by longstanding partners of the organisation or new organisations, with a view to being a networking opportunity for the either spreading awareness of certain issues or working together in the future to achieve a common goal.

I have found that attending these fairs has been useful to understand the other kinds of NGOs that work in Croatia and how involvement in these activities can lead to beneficial partnerships in the future.

  1. Attended 14. Sajam Fair

Unlike the previously mentioned fairs, 14. Sajam is specifically ran by the organisation that I work for and was the biggest one that I have attended so far. The day meant that we assisted in setting up booths and refreshments for the attendees, handing out t-shirts to each of the organisations and for me specifically, photographing the event.

One of the big draws of the event was that there was a large stage where local people could showcase their musical talents but also a talent show for children that meant rather than just being a networking event, it was also a day for the local community to enjoy live music with their families in the sun.

I enjoyed the manual aspects of the day, such as assisting in setting up tables and chairs and packing away everything at the end. I also met new people who are involved in volunteering for this organisation as well as seeing people from other organisations that I had met previously during other projects.

All in all, I would say that the day was successful and it was interesting to see how an event of such a large scale was delivered.

  1. Edited a Video for Regenerator

I found it really helpful to be given footage to edit creatively by Regenerator, a local venue for music. The footage was all collected during a music festival and was a great opportunity for me to hone my editing skills further and work with footage that I had not collected myself. I was asked to complete this work outside of my EVS service in my free time.

The process involved liaising with the contact who required the video. This meant that I had find out what direction the video should go in, what music could be used without requiring a licence and the length it should be. In total I made a 4-minute video out of several hours’ worth of footage.

The video was completed to a high standard with all parties happy with the outcome and meant that I had been able to offer up my service outside of the organisation that I work for but within the community that I live in.

  1. Made a Video about my Hometown

By way of a sort of introduction, one of my first projects was to create a video about ourselves. This is something that in one way or another I have had to do several times in my life, for example, to give a presentation about myself to the patients of a practice I managed staff of or, when attending a video production course at college and university. Because I had felt I had already done this too many times to find any benefit from it I decided instead to make a video that focussed more on where I had spent the last 28 years of my life, my home city.

I found this to be useful as it meant that I could explore issues in an engaging way to deliver my perspective of Newcastle in a structured and formal way. This was a great way to get back to using software and equipment that I had not used for some time but also to give some thought into producing a compelling structured dialogue about a specific topic. This has certainly led the way for me being more confident in my ability to produce videos for the organisation.

  1. Created Numerous Posters/Promotional Materials for Use

Since I have been working with Zagor I have been asked to create numerous materials for them to use as promotional materials. This has included things like; posters, flyers, postcards etc. In my view this has been really engaging work as I have been able to design work for my portfolio, relearn skills using image editing software that I had lost and also contribute to the needs of the organisation while also learning.

I would say that this is what EVS is about, each party gaining something from the time that I spend here, so if I am asked to produce a video or a poster, then I will learn a new skill, perhaps I will learn two new colours that go together or I will learn how to use a new piece of equipment and in doing so I create something for Zagor that is necessary to the organisation from their point of view in bringing or presenting themselves to young people in the area.

  1. Seen Some of Croatia, Visited other Countries and Developed Language Skills

In the short time that I have been here I have already visited 2 different countries and explored parts of northern Croatia. I have plans to visit more countries and also see the south of the country. I have also been fortunate to learn about the history of the county and gather opinions of people who live and work in Croatia.

I have also seen and explored a lot of countryside in the area and in doing so had the opportunity to use my camera to gather photos and try and improve this skill.

I have also been given a good opportunity to learn some phrases and word in Croatian, though I’m so good at this yet, hopefully in another few months I will be able to improve this even further.

  1. Attended a Woodworking Workshop

I attended a week long workshop in Donja Stubica where I was given the tools and training to create a birdhouse and feeder. I found this to be really interesting and it was pleasant to be outside creating something with my own hands. It was also a nice opportunity to meet new people.

The work involved measuring wood into the correct sizes and cutting, sanding down rough edges, nailing parts into place and painting the structure once it was complete. The intention is to hang the birdboxes/feeders in nature in local areas.

Autor: Alex Rea, dugoročni volonter Mreže udruga Zagor


Stavovi i mišljenja autora teksta osobni su i ne odražavaju nužno stavove udruge.

Članak je napisan u sklopu projekta “Dva volontera za lokalnu zajednicu”. Projekt je financiran u okviru Erasmus+programa kroz Ključnu aktivnost 1: Mobilnost u svrhu učenja za pojedince, Volonterski projekti.


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Ellie Leacy: My time on EVS at Mreža udruga Zagor (so far)

Before applying for EVS I was not sure what to expect. I knew it was going to be a great opportunity to be able to travel and live abroad so when I arrived I was pleasantly surprised.

After being in college for a long time I really wanted to do anything that was remotely new and that could challenge me. I found Mreža udruga Zagor on European Youth Portal and immediately applied. Next thing I remember I had moved to Croatia.

I arrived in a small town called Zabok, not far from Zagreb, where the organisation I volunteer for is based. It is not a huge town but it is big enough and has everything I need. The community here is great and welcoming which set my mind at ease to any worries I had before joining.

For the first two months I was adjusting to the change of being in a different country and being around new people and surroundings. It was and still is difficult to get used to new mannerisms, language and culture. Throughout this period I was getting to understand the dynamics of how the organisation works and how the employee manages everything. In the organisation there is one other long term volunteer on the same programme as me named Alex; for our projects we had to think of something that could somehow better the community and get ourselves a little more out there. I chose to start teaching English grammar lessons to some of the locals and some people in our organisation who are not yet confident with English.

Other roles I have participated in are media promotion for Zagor which included things like taking photographs of events/workshops we have had going on, making videos with our other volunteer about EVS and making gifs/posters regarding on what we do here.

Since being here from March, I have been able to travel around surrounding towns/cities and countries. I have become more comfortable with reading bus/train timetables which in turn has made it easier for me to go to different places whether it was for my organisation or for my own leisure. Evidently, this is a good experience to have on your EVS because you will have a more exciting time seeing the different places and cultures around Europe and become more confident in trusting yourself to navigate around a different country. I am lucky enough to be somewhere where I can easily get to Zagreb quickly therefore I can travel to other countries like Hungary and Slovenia.

Currently, I am trying to think of another project I am able to do throughout the rest of my EVS here. For the rest of my time, I want to be able to implement a project that will be able to have an impact after I leave however; I am not yet sure what that will be. From my experience thus far I have been able to figure out who I am as a person and see how independent I really am. I think once I have finished my EVS I will be able look at what life lessons I have been taught and execute that knowledge on what I will do next.

Autorica: Ellie Leacy, dugoročna volonterka Mreže udruga Zagor


Stavovi i mišljenja autora teksta osobni su i ne odražavaju nužno stavove udruge.

Članak je napisan u sklopu projekta “Dva volontera za lokalnu zajednicu”. Projekt je financiran u okviru Erasmus+programa kroz Ključnu aktivnost 1: Mobilnost u svrhu učenja za pojedince, Volonterski projekti.

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Traže se volonteri/ke!

Mreža udruga Zagor i Multimedijalni centar “STUB-KLUB” traže volontere/ke koji će kroz 5 dana izrađivati hranilice za ptice i klupe za sjedenje zajedno sa voditeljem Multimedijalnog centra “STUB-KLUB”. Hranilice će se postaviti u javne parkove u Zaboku, Donjoj Stubici i Pregradi, a klupa ispred Centra za mlade KZŽ.

Datum: od 29.7. do 2.8.2019.

Sati: svaki dan od 9-12 h

Mjesto: Donja Stubica (Multimedijalni centar “STUB-KLUB”).

Svi zainteresirani koji imaju više od 15 godina, komunikacijske i organizacijske vještine, odgovornost, samostalnost te koji su za timski rad i otvorenost mogu se prijaviti putem Volonterskog servisa VolontirAJMO na link.

Tijekom volonterske akcije osigurat će se osvježenje i peciva za volontere/ke.


Preuzeto sa: http://www.volontirajmo.zagor.info/

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Dva volontera za lokalnu zajednicu – video „40 days of EVS“

Video „40 days of EVS“ prikazuje poglede i emocije koje su volonteri imali tijekom svojih prvih 40 dana sudjelovanja na EVS-u. Volonterka Ellie i volonter Alex od ožujka 2019. postali su dugoročni volonteri Mreže udruga Zagor te će godinu dana volontirati u Zagoru i živjeti u Zaboku.

Cijeli video možete pogledati na linku.

Video je izrađen u okviru projekta „Dva volontera za lokalnu zajednicu“ kojeg provodi Mreža udruga Zagor, a partneri pošiljatelji su International Voluntary Service – IVS GB i Merseyside Expanding Horizons limited – MEH. Projekt je financiran u okviru Erasmus+ programa kroz Ključnu aktivnost 1: Mobilnost u svrhu učenja za pojedince, Volonterski projekti.

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Traže se volonteri/ke!

International Projects Association INPRO iz Rzeszów (Poljska) traži volontere/ke za kratkoročni projekt u trajanju od 2 mjeseca u periodu od studenog 2019. do lipnja 2020.

Svi zainteresirani mogu se prijaviti na način da pošalju motivacijsko pismo i CV na e-mail: joanna@goinpro.org

Više informacija mogu se pronaći na linku.

Preuzeto sa: https://europa.eu/youth/volunteering/project/12831_en

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Jadran bez plastike – akcija čišćenja namijenjena studentima

Jadran bez plastike znanstveno je edukativni projekt koji je namijenjen akademskoj zajednici i studentima, a cilj mu je educirati građane o posljedicama i negativnim učincima neodgovornog ljudskog ponašanja prema okolišu. Započet će u petak, 28. lipnja, u Kulturnom centru Vodice s početkom u 20:30.

Ovim projektom građanima će se putem predavanja i rada na terenu stručno i znanstveno obrazložiti uzroci i posljedice negativnih utjecaja plastike odbačene u okoliš u nadi da će se time doprinijeti promjeni njihova ponašanja prema okolini. Organizatori su Grad Vodice, komunalna tvrtka Leć, Pučko otvoreno učilište Vodice, Geotehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu te Turistička zajednica grada Vodica.

Zainteresirani građani moći će poslušati predavanje izv. prof. dr. sc. Aleksandre Anić Vučinić, Ivane Melenjak te dr. sc. Marije Klasić. One će govoriti o mikroplastici, plastičnom otpadu u morima i oceanu, gospodarenju plastičnom ambalažom te o tome kako zagađenje okoliša utječe na naše zdravlje. Osim stručnih predavanja koja će se održati u subotu, 29. Lipnja, s početkom u 8 sati, organizirana je akcija čišćenja uvala, podmorja i obale otoka Zmajana. Vodit će je profesori s Geotehničkog fakulteta u Zagrebu, a sudjelovat će studenti te mladi građani. Uključiti se možeš i ti slanjem prijave na e-mail adresu jbp@lec.hr ili prijavom na Facebook stranici Jadran bez plastike.

Problem odbačene plastike u moru globalni je problem s kojim se susrećemo svakodnevno, a on se pokušava riješiti aktivističkim akcijama. Stoga na području Vodica već se nekoliko godina plastična ambalaža i ostali proizvodi od plastike odvojeno sakupljaju, sortiraju prema vrsti i sastavu te prodaju ovlaštenim obrađivačima koji ih vraćaju u daljnju proizvodnju.


Preuzeto sa: www.studentski.hr

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Tabor Film Festival poziva sve zainteresirane volontere da se priključe i sudjeluju u realizaciji ovogodišnjeg izdanja koje će se održati u dvorcu Veliki Tabor od 11. do 14. srpnja. Svi izabrani kandidati pridružit će se velikoj volonterskoj obitelji koja je nastala u proteklih 17 godina. Prilika je to za skupiti dragocjeno iskustvo, upoznati nove ljude i pritom se dobro zabaviti.

Radna mjesta volontera su: 1) info pult 2) ulaz festivala 3) parking i kamp 4) dvorac 5) dvorane za projekcije 6) backstage hospitality 7) stagehand 8) čišćenje.

Uvjeti su: a) punoljetnost b) dostupnost za jednu smjenu dnevno u periodu od 10. do 15. srpnja c) snalaženje u timskim i individualnim zadacima e) solidno znanje engleskog jezika (za određene poslove) f) marljivost, odgovornost, pouzdanost i točnost.

Svi volonteri imati će osigurana tri obroka dnevno, bezalkoholno piće tijekom radnog vremena, smještaj u kampu, volonterske majice, besplatan prijevoz u suradnji s Presečki grupom te kupanje u Termama Tuhelj. Svi koji savjesno ispune dogovorene obaveze dobit će službenu zahvalnicu kao potvrdu za volontiranje, besplatnu kartu za iduće izdanje Tabor Film Festivala te mogućnost dugoročne suradnje na drugim projektima tijekom godine u organizaciji Udruge Gokul.

Prijave traju do 24. lipnja na linku – > Volonteri prijava, gdje ćete trebati ispuniti prijavni obrazac. Nepotpune prijave neće se razmatrati.

Organizatori će se s povratnom informacijom o odabiru volontera javiti najkasnije do ponedjeljka, 1. srpnja. Za sve dodatne upite oko volontiranja može se javiti Tinu Krznaru na krznar.tin@gmail.com.


Preuzeto sa: www.zabok.hr

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Najava manifestacije „Hrvatska volontira“ 2019.

Hrvatska volontira“ ove će se godine održati od 22. do 25. svibnja, a tema manifestacije je: „Volontiramo = gradimo zajednicu u kakvoj želimo živjeti“.

Već devetu godinu zaredom, diljem Republike Hrvatske okupit će se građani i organizacije kako bi zajedničkim volontiranjem gradili bolju i snažniju zajednicu te pokazali svojim primjerom u kakvom društvu žele živjeti. Ova manifestacija okupila je prošle godine 181 organizatora volontiranja koji su u 70 gradova i općina proveli 288 volonterskih aktivnosti. Ukupno 4.218 volontera poklonilo je svojim zajednicama 22.226 volonterskih sati.

Sloganom ovogodišnje manifestacije želi se naglasiti kako čineći dobro za sebe, usrećujemo i druge ljude. U organizaciji Hrvatskog centra za razvoj volonterstva i regionalnih volonterskih centara, čiji rad sufinancira Ministarstvo za demografiju, obitelj, mlade i socijalnu politiku, „Hrvatska volontira“ jedna je od najvećih manifestacija u državi kojoj se, osim građana, u sve većem broju priključuju tvrtke i javne institucije. Cilj manifestacije je potaknuti što više građana i organizacija iz cijele Hrvatske na uključivanje u različite društveno korisne aktivnosti i time promovirati volontiranje kao snagu društva kojom se pokreću pozitivne promjene i gradi bolja budućnost.

Popis organizatora i lokacija s ponuđenim volonterskim aktivnostima nalazi se na poveznici https://www.hrvatska.volontira.vcz.hr.

Dobro je za tebe, dobro je za druge! Priključi se svibanjskoj kampanji i zavolontiraj se!


Preuzeto sa: www.mdomsp.gov.hr

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Poziv za sudjelovanje na 14. Sajmu udruga KZŽ

Poštovane udruge,

ove godine održat će se 14. Sajam udruga Krapinsko-zagorske županije koji se već tradicionalno odvija svake godine u drugom gradu/općini na području županije.

Cilj Sajma udruga Krapinsko-zagorske županije je promocija rada udruga koje djeluju na području Krapinsko-zagorske županije te međusobno upoznavanje udruga radi buduće suradnje na projektima. Sajam udruga namijenjen je svim udrugama i njihovim članovima/cama, te onima koji/e se žele uključiti u rad udruga i doprinijeti razvoju civilnog društva u Krapinsko-zagorskoj županiji. Također, na Sajam pozivamo i predstavnike/ce raznih tijela/povjerenstava/vijeća u kojima sudjeluju udruge u jedinicama lokalne/regionalne samouprave (Savjeti mladih, Savjet za razvoj civilnog društva, Povjerenstva,…).

14. Sajam udruga će se održati u Gradu Oroslavju u subotu 25. svibnja 2019. na prostoru gradskog trga s početkom u 9:00 sati. Predviđeno trajanje Sajma je do 13:00 sati. U slučaju kiše Sajam će biti održan u zatvorenom prostoru Doma kulture.

 Uz neformalno druženje, za Sajam će biti pripremljen prigodan program koji će uključivati glazbeni i kulturno-scenski nastup udruga. Kako bismo organizirali stolove/štandove molimo Vas da se prijavite sa svim traženim podacima na sljedećem linku:


14. Sajam udruga organizira Mreža udruga Zagor u partnerstvu s udrugom PETROŽE-KRUŠLJEVO SELO, Multimedijalnim centrom STUB-KLUB, Bedekovčanskom udrugom mladih i Udrugom Mraz uz potporu Grada Oroslavja, Krapinsko-zagorske županije i Ministarstva za demografiju, obitelj, mlade i socijalnu politiku.

Za sve dodatne informacije slobodno nas nazovite na 091 941 03 10 ili nam se javite putem maila: kristina@zagor.info.  Prijaviti se možete do 10. 5. 2019.

Veselimo se Vašem dolasku i ponovnom druženju!

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