Summer without losses

Summer without losses

What do holidays remind you of? I always make new resolutions and say that this summer holiday will be different. These times (including special days like Christmas and birthdays) always feel good for the things I want to change. I can’t say that I’m very good at sticking to my plans. These days usually go by very quickly, but I still like to make decisions with this motivation.

For as long as I can remember, myself has always been a big subject for me. Growing up, existing, people, history, our world… While all of them are full of question marks, I think being in this world, finding yourself, and being yourself is an issue in itself.

Human character is formed by a combination of many factors such as genetic inheritance, environmental influences, education, culture, experiences, and personal choices. Each of these factors plays a role in the development of personality traits.

Genetic inheritance has an important effect on human character. Through heredity, some traits are passed on from generation to generation and certain tendencies that a person is born with are reflected in his/her character. For example, some people may be naturally calmer and more patient, while others may be more energetic and excitable.

Environmental influences also play a major role in shaping character. Environmental factors such as family, friends, school, workplace, and society provide experiences that influence people’s personality traits. The family environment has an important influence on a person’s values, beliefs and social behavior. For example, if honesty and respect are adopted as values in a family, a person can reflect these values in his/her character.

Education also plays an important role in the development of character. School, teachers and learning experiences develop people’s knowledge and skills, while at the same time moulding their personal characteristics. Characteristics such as discipline, responsibility and self-confidence gained during student years can contribute to character.

Culture is also an effective factor in the formation of character. Each culture adopts different values, norms and behavior models. These values and behaviors affect people’s character and determine how they behave in that society. For example, in some cultures, social relations and solidarity are at the forefront, while in others individualism and competitiveness are more important.

Finally, one’s own choices are also a determining factor in the formation of one’s character. A person makes choices in line with his/her values, beliefs and goals, and these choices may turn into behaviors that reflect his/her character. For example, if a person values honesty, they will put honesty at the center of their choices and reflect this value in their character.

A person’s character can change and develop over time. Experiences can change a person’s thinking and perspective, cause them to revise their values and thus shape their character. People can develop their character by learning from their mistakes and growing.

The effects of character on people are also very important. Having a good character contributes to establishing healthy relationships, being trustworthy, behaving in accordance with ethical values and the ability to find solutions to problems. On the other hand, having a negative character can lead to problems in relationships, loss of trust and exclusion in society. But with all this, it may not be so easy to build yourself, it is a fact that there are various difficulties that we can all face.  

The first challenge is lack of motivation. For many people who want to develop themselves, the biggest problem is that the level of motivation decreases over time. In the beginning, it can be easy to set goals and create an inspiring vision. But as time passes, this level of motivation can drop and the person may find it difficult to stay motivated when dealing with innovative ideas or when they are in a challenging period. At this point, it is important to remember your goals, utilize sources of encouragement and regularly assess your progress.

The second challenge is that it requires patience and persistence. Self-development is a long-term process and may require patience and persistence at times. It may take time to achieve the desired results and sometimes repetitive effort may be required to achieve goals. In this case, it is important to break your goals into small steps, establish a regular routine and enjoy the process. Remember, great achievements start with small steps.

The third challenge is confronting our own beliefs. The process of self-improvement may require us to confront our existing beliefs. Some beliefs may hold us back because of insecurities or fears about ourselves. It is important to do inner work to recognize our own limiting beliefs and replace them with positive beliefs. This will help you to be open to new experiences and discover more potential.

The fourth and final challenge is external obstacles. When a person is trying to develop himself/herself, it may be inevitable that he/she will encounter external obstacles. These obstacles may be time constraints, financial difficulties, family or work-related responsibilities, social pressures, or environmental conditions. These obstacles can make it difficult or sometimes stall progress in the process of self-development. For example, limited time due to workload may result in a person not being able to allocate enough time to learn a new skill or receive training.

However, it is possible to overcome these external barriers. Strategies such as setting priorities, developing time management skills, creating support systems or finding alternative solutions can be implemented. For example, by organizing one’s daily schedule, one can aim to make time for oneself and maintain a certain amount of time for self-development. At the same time, getting support from family and friends or using mentoring services can also increase motivation and progress.

These challenges to self-development can also be seen as opportunities. These challenges can help a person to discover their strengths, increase their resilience and overcome themselves. Overcoming challenges is an important step in one’s journey of personal growth and success.

I wanted to write this article to remind people who are lost in similar situations that they are not alone and perhaps to motivate them a little. I hope that this holiday period will be a holiday where every plan you make, and every decision you make goes the way you want.


Autorica: Aysenur Kursun, dugoročna volonterka Mreže udruga Zagor



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