Summer without losses

What do holidays remind you of? I always make new resolutions and say that this summer holiday will be different. These times (including special days like Christmas and birthdays) always feel good for the things I want to change. I can’t say that I’m very good at sticking to my plans. These days usually go by very quickly, but I still like to make decisions with this motivation.

For as long as I can remember, myself has always been a big subject for me. Growing up, existing, people, history, our world… While all of them are full of question marks, I think being in this world, finding yourself, and being yourself is an issue in itself.

Human character is formed by a combination of many factors such as genetic inheritance, environmental influences, education, culture, experiences, and personal choices. Each of these factors plays a role in the development of personality traits.

Genetic inheritance has an important effect on human character. Through heredity, some traits are passed on from generation to generation and certain tendencies that a person is born with are reflected in his/her character. For example, some people may be naturally calmer and more patient, while others may be more energetic and excitable.

Environmental influences also play a major role in shaping character. Environmental factors such as family, friends, school, workplace, and society provide experiences that influence people’s personality traits. The family environment has an important influence on a person’s values, beliefs and social behavior. For example, if honesty and respect are adopted as values in a family, a person can reflect these values in his/her character.

Education also plays an important role in the development of character. School, teachers and learning experiences develop people’s knowledge and skills, while at the same time moulding their personal characteristics. Characteristics such as discipline, responsibility and self-confidence gained during student years can contribute to character.

Culture is also an effective factor in the formation of character. Each culture adopts different values, norms and behavior models. These values and behaviors affect people’s character and determine how they behave in that society. For example, in some cultures, social relations and solidarity are at the forefront, while in others individualism and competitiveness are more important.

Finally, one’s own choices are also a determining factor in the formation of one’s character. A person makes choices in line with his/her values, beliefs and goals, and these choices may turn into behaviors that reflect his/her character. For example, if a person values honesty, they will put honesty at the center of their choices and reflect this value in their character.

A person’s character can change and develop over time. Experiences can change a person’s thinking and perspective, cause them to revise their values and thus shape their character. People can develop their character by learning from their mistakes and growing.

The effects of character on people are also very important. Having a good character contributes to establishing healthy relationships, being trustworthy, behaving in accordance with ethical values and the ability to find solutions to problems. On the other hand, having a negative character can lead to problems in relationships, loss of trust and exclusion in society. But with all this, it may not be so easy to build yourself, it is a fact that there are various difficulties that we can all face.  

The first challenge is lack of motivation. For many people who want to develop themselves, the biggest problem is that the level of motivation decreases over time. In the beginning, it can be easy to set goals and create an inspiring vision. But as time passes, this level of motivation can drop and the person may find it difficult to stay motivated when dealing with innovative ideas or when they are in a challenging period. At this point, it is important to remember your goals, utilize sources of encouragement and regularly assess your progress.

The second challenge is that it requires patience and persistence. Self-development is a long-term process and may require patience and persistence at times. It may take time to achieve the desired results and sometimes repetitive effort may be required to achieve goals. In this case, it is important to break your goals into small steps, establish a regular routine and enjoy the process. Remember, great achievements start with small steps.

The third challenge is confronting our own beliefs. The process of self-improvement may require us to confront our existing beliefs. Some beliefs may hold us back because of insecurities or fears about ourselves. It is important to do inner work to recognize our own limiting beliefs and replace them with positive beliefs. This will help you to be open to new experiences and discover more potential.

The fourth and final challenge is external obstacles. When a person is trying to develop himself/herself, it may be inevitable that he/she will encounter external obstacles. These obstacles may be time constraints, financial difficulties, family or work-related responsibilities, social pressures, or environmental conditions. These obstacles can make it difficult or sometimes stall progress in the process of self-development. For example, limited time due to workload may result in a person not being able to allocate enough time to learn a new skill or receive training.

However, it is possible to overcome these external barriers. Strategies such as setting priorities, developing time management skills, creating support systems or finding alternative solutions can be implemented. For example, by organizing one’s daily schedule, one can aim to make time for oneself and maintain a certain amount of time for self-development. At the same time, getting support from family and friends or using mentoring services can also increase motivation and progress.

These challenges to self-development can also be seen as opportunities. These challenges can help a person to discover their strengths, increase their resilience and overcome themselves. Overcoming challenges is an important step in one’s journey of personal growth and success.

I wanted to write this article to remind people who are lost in similar situations that they are not alone and perhaps to motivate them a little. I hope that this holiday period will be a holiday where every plan you make, and every decision you make goes the way you want.


Autorica: Aysenur Kursun, dugoročna volonterka Mreže udruga Zagor



Stavovi i mišljenja autora teksta osobni su i ne odražavaju nužno stavove udruge.

Članak je napisan u sklopu projekta “Dva volontera za lokalnu zajednicu 4.0”. Projekt je financiran u okviru programa Europskih snaga solidarnosti, Volonterski projekti.

Spark for MDD

Last week, I had the incredible opportunity to be part of the SPARK EU youth training programme, a remarkable initiative coordinated by Oxfam and the Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe. This program brought together young activists from across the globe in Brussels, providing a platform for engaging discussions and inspiring conversations about the European Union’s crucial role in addressing the urgent challenges posed by the climate crisis. The experience not only enabled us to interact with representatives from European institutions but also allowed us to connect with fellow young changemakers who are leading transformative action and advocating for climate justice in their communities. This article reflects on the impact of the SPARK EU youth training programme, emphasizing the power of collective action and the optimism that arises when passionate individuals unite for a common cause.

Enriching Knowledge on EU Climate Policy-Making:

The Spark EU Climate Action Digital Programme, organized by Oxfam International and Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe, proved to be an invaluable platform for expanding my understanding of EU climate policy-making. Through expert-led sessions, interactive workshops, and engaging discussions, I gained insights into the complexities of the political landscape and learned effective strategies for engaging with policymakers. The program equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of the policy framework, enabling me to navigate the pathways for positive change in tackling the climate crisis. Through panel discussions, workshops, and interactive sessions, we gained valuable insights into the policy-making processes at the EU level and learned about the various initiatives and strategies being implemented to combat the climate crisis. These interactions enabled us to grasp the complexities and challenges faced by policymakers while also offering a platform to voice our concerns and perspectives. Such engagement fostered a sense of empowerment and reinforced the notion that young voices have the power to shape the future.

Inspiring Encounters with Global Climate Activists:

One of the most remarkable aspects of the Spark EU Climate Action Digital Programme was the opportunity to connect with passionate climate activists from around the world. During a week in Brussels, I had the privilege of meeting brilliant individuals who are driving change in their communities through diverse approaches. The exchange of ideas, experiences, and perspectives was truly inspiring and fostered a sense of global solidarity. Witnessing the dedication and creativity of these activists reinforced my belief in the power of grassroots movements and the importance of collaboration on a global scale. Inspiring Encounters with Young Changemakers: Meeting like-minded individuals who share a common passion for climate justice was incredibly inspiring and invigorating. The diversity of backgrounds, experiences, and approaches represented within the group highlighted the power of collective action and the effectiveness of grassroots movements. Sharing stories, challenges, and successes reaffirmed our shared commitment to driving positive change and reminded us that we are not alone in our endeavors.

Transformative Learning Experience:

The Spark EU Climate Action Digital Programme exceeded my expectations in terms of its transformative nature. Not only did I acquire knowledge about climate policy-making, but I also underwent personal growth and self-reflection. The program challenged my preconceived notions, expanded my horizons, and empowered me to think critically about the systemic changes needed to address the climate crisis effectively. The safe space created by the organizers and the opportunity to exchange knowledge with fellow participants amplified the program’s impact, providing a nurturing environment for growth and learning.

Expressing Gratitude:

I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to the organizers, Oxfam International and CAN Europe, for curating such a remarkable program. Their commitment to fostering climate activism and equipping individuals with the tools for meaningful engagement is commendable. I also want to express my appreciation to my friends and fellow participants for their support, camaraderie, and knowledge exchange throughout the program. The diversity of backgrounds and experiences within the group enriched our discussions and broadened our perspectives.

Recognizing the Ongoing Journey:

While the SPARK EU youth training programme provided us with valuable knowledge and connections, it also served as a reminder that there is still a long way to go in addressing the climate crisis. The magnitude of the challenge ahead can be overwhelming, but witnessing the dedication and passion of fellow activists filled us with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. The program underscored the importance of persistence, collaboration, and continued advocacy in driving systemic change. By coming together and supporting one another, we can create a ripple effect that extends far beyond the duration of the program.

A Call for Collective Action and Optimism:

The SPARK EU youth training programme instilled within us a deep belief in the power of collective action. It demonstrated that when individuals with shared goals and aspirations unite, their impact can be extraordinary. As we return to our respective communities, armed with newfound knowledge and inspiration, we are committed to continuing our efforts to tackle the climate crisis. While the challenges are immense, our collective determination fuels our optimism for a better future. By amplifying our voices, advocating for climate justice, and collaborating across borders, we have the power to bring about positive change and create a sustainable world for generations to come.

The SPARK EU youth training programme provided an invaluable experience for young activists, offering opportunities to engage with European institutions, connect with fellow changemakers, and strengthen our resolve in addressing the climate crisis. The program emphasized the importance of collective action, reminding us that together, we can drive transformative change. As we move forward, let us carry the knowledge, inspiration, and optimism gained from this program, and continue to advocate for climate justice, striving to create a more sustainable and equitable world.

Author: Aysenur Kursun

Breaking Free_Empowering young people to overcome feeling stuck

In today’s fast-paced world, it is not uncommon for young people to experience a sense of feeling stuck. Whether it’s due to societal expectations, career uncertainties, personal struggles, or a lack of direction, this feeling can be overwhelming and hinder personal growth. However, it is essential for young individuals to recognize that they have the power to break free from this state of stagnation and chart their own path towards fulfillment and success. In this article, we will explore the reasons why young people often feel stuck and provide actionable strategies to help them overcome these challenges and unlock their true potential.

External Pressures and Expectations:
One of the leading causes of feeling stuck among young people is the weight of external pressures and expectations. Society often imposes predefined timelines and milestones that can make individuals feel trapped in a rigid framework. Whether it’s the pressure to excel academically, secure a high-paying job, or conform to societal norms, these expectations can create a sense of confinement. It is crucial for young individuals to recognize that everyone’s journey is unique, and they should focus on their own passions and aspirations rather than succumbing to external pressures.

Career Uncertainty:
Another significant factor contributing to feeling stuck is the uncertainty surrounding career choices. Young people often face a multitude of options and may feel overwhelmed by the fear of making the wrong decision. It is important to understand that career paths are rarely linear, and it’s okay to explore different opportunities and change directions along the way. By embracing curiosity and actively seeking experiences that align with their interests, young individuals can discover their true passions and forge a path that brings them joy and fulfillment.

Personal Struggles and Self-Doubt:
Personal struggles, such as mental health issues, relationship challenges, or a lack of self-confidence, can also leave young individuals feeling trapped and stagnant. It is crucial for young people to prioritize their well-being and seek support when needed. Building a strong support system of friends, family, or mentors can provide valuable guidance and encouragement during challenging times. Investing in self-care practices, such as exercise, mindfulness, and self-reflection, can also help in building resilience and overcoming self-doubt.

Strategies for Overcoming Feeling Stuck:

a. Self-Reflection and Goal Setting: Taking time for self-reflection and introspection can provide valuable insights into personal values, interests, and aspirations. Setting meaningful goals can help young individuals create a roadmap for their future, giving them a sense of purpose and direction.

b. Embracing Change and Taking Risks: Stepping outside of comfort zones and embracing change is essential for personal growth. Young people should be encouraged to take calculated risks, whether it’s pursuing a new career path, starting a business, or traveling to unfamiliar places. These experiences can broaden horizons and open doors to new opportunities.

c. Seeking Mentorship and Guidance: Connecting with mentors or role models who have overcome similar challenges can be incredibly valuable. Mentors can provide guidance, share their experiences, and offer advice on navigating through difficult situations, helping young people gain confidence and perspective.

d. Continuous Learning and Skill Development: Investing in learning and skill development is vital for personal and professional growth. Young individuals should explore avenues such as online courses, workshops, or internships to enhance their knowledge and acquire new skills, opening up doors to new possibilities.

Mindset and Resilience:
One of the most powerful tools in breaking free from feeling stuck is cultivating a positive mindset and building resilience. The way we perceive and interpret our circumstances greatly influences our ability to overcome challenges and move forward. By adopting a growth mindset, young individuals can view obstacles as opportunities for growth and learning rather than roadblocks. They can develop a belief in their ability to learn, adapt, and find creative solutions to problems.

Resilience, the ability to bounce back from setbacks, is also a crucial skill to develop. It is important to recognize that setbacks and failures are part of the journey, and they do not define one’s worth or potential. Resilient individuals view these experiences as stepping stones toward success, learning valuable lessons along the way. They embrace setbacks as opportunities for self-improvement and use them as motivation to push forward.

Building resilience can be achieved through various practices, such as cultivating a strong support system, practicing self-care, and developing coping strategies. Engaging in activities like journaling, meditation, or engaging in hobbies can help young people recharge and gain perspective during challenging times. Additionally, seeking professional help when needed is a sign of strength and can provide valuable tools and strategies for building resilience.

Feeling stuck is a common experience for many young people, but it is not an insurmountable obstacle. By adopting a growth mindset, embracing change, seeking support, and building resilience, young individuals can break free from the confines of feeling stuck and pave the way towards a more fulfilling and purposeful life. Remember, it is essential to prioritize personal growth, self-care, and self-reflection while staying true to one’s own aspirations and passions. With determination and perseverance, young people can transcend limitations, unlock their true potential, and create a future filled with possibilities.


Author: Aysenur Kursun

čips i pizdek

Svatko u životu ima mišju rupu koja se povećava kako i mi rastemo. (Autor nepoznat, vjerojatno između 2020 i 2023)
Mnogi ljudi kažu kako svaka cesta ima svoj smislen kraj: ulica bez izlaza završava u nečijem dvorištu, autoceste se pretapaju u magistrale ili županijske ceste, dok šumski puteljci završavaju u životinjskom brlogu. Ljudi kukaju i žale se da arhitektura i okoliš nisu učinili dovoljno za njih. Gledajući gore častivog i dolje nečastivog, psuju im krvave majke što nisu napravili svijet koji bi liječio njihovu tugu i nezadovoljstvo. Kako da se onda sretni i ispunjeni vrate kućama i gledaju ratne izvještaje pa nakon toga Zadrugu?
Mrmljaju oni pa mi mrmljam zbog njih
Ulicama šećemo, ponekad lutamo, ali svaka šetnja ima svoj početak i kraj. Najčešće sretnemo površne znance koje po nijednoj logici ne bi trebali biti tamo. Pa mumljaju, komentiraju, govore sebi u bradu…a mi nastavimo svojim putem da napravimo krug.
Možda su ljudi trebali napraviti krug s nama?
Jedan krug života u kojem bi, malo po malo, naši zalutali znanci shvaćali život običnih ljudi koji svakih 24 sata proživljuju još jedan dan; dan frustracije i tuge zbog globalne pandemije. Pojedinci kojih smo se ovdje sjetili promatraju ptice u proljetnom letu kada se u podne sjate na balkon života….i uprazno se nadaju da će ptice danas opjevati baš njih. Život je lijep, podsjeća nas naša svijest, dok podsvijest, drhti i šuti te pogledom pozdravlja ptice s balkona.
Hodamo svojim putevima, ali mentalni filter koji blokira šumove u kanalima često ne radi.. Ljudi često koriste riječ pizdek opisujući druge, obično one koji u točno vrijeme nisu napravili točno određenu stvar pa su sad maknuti na stranu. Što znači taj izraz? Kada se počeo koristiti? No, kad bolje pogledam, tijekom pandemije smo imali i više slobodnog vremena nego nam je potrebno…i zamišljali bacanje drvlja i kamenja na svakog tko je po nama odgovoran za širenje virusa: iz sebe smo izvlačili najkrvavije vulgarnosti i dodjeljivali ih vakserima, antivakserima, ministrima, imunolozima i onom smušenom susjedu koji nam je pizdekao na ulici jer smo se usudili nositi masku.
Ah da, sada shvaćam na koji način smo uveli tu riječ u naše živote. Ali, taj susjed i njegova dozivanja zbog maske…eh živote petparački teatre apsurda.
Maske su otkrivale naš pad, zatupile mirnu samoću kojom smo željeli napredovati preobrazivši nas u bezlične pizdeke koji nisu mogli disati duboko, slobodno, zahvaliti svojim plućima što danonoćno crnče za nas. Ne, disali smo poput robota netom škartiranih na odlagalište povijesnog otpada, ostavljeni da budemo primjer zastoja u napretku za generacije koje dolaze. A virus, opijen unutarnjom petljom koja hrani samu sebe i ojačava, smijao nam se u lice i izvodio stand up komediju pred narodima zemaljske kugle.
Virus izdajica nas je svakodnevno žvakao i lomio čeljustima poput čipsa uživajući u našoj letargiji i apatiji prema „onima tamo vani“. “Hrssssk! Nikad više nećeš slobodno koračati propalim svijetom pizdek jedan!”, nastavio se smijati dok smo bježali i lomili noge da se dočekamo našeg tehnološkog ognjišta.
Dajte kruha i igara, nekoć su skandirali potlačeni Rimljani znajući da će, ako bi se žešće pobunili, završiti kao igračka gladijatora u areni. Danas, kruh je postao čips, a igre svakodnevno prepucavanje između zastupnika 1001 idealističkog stava. No, možete li vjerovati da je ljudski rod tek prije koju godinicu po prvi put poimao beskonačnost? Da, otkrio je bezdan u vrećici čipsa koji se sve više produbljivao proporcionalno uvođenju novih emisija o virusu na nacionalnom programu! I tako, dok smo Einsteina činili ponosnim jer je beskonačnost ipak moguća za razliku od gluposti, postali smo pravi, originalni, nepatvoreni kućni čips pizdeki.
2023. godina je ljudi moji, budite zahvalni za hrskavo božanstvo koje držite u rukama jer nam svijet pruža mnoštvo novih čudesa. Zagurajmo ruku duboko u vrećicu i približimo se drugoj strani, onkraj beskonačnosti, onkraj blještave kugle vječne nedodirljivosti.


Kutak četvrte ulice trećeg rajona drugorazrednog grada u prvorazrednoj državi je odgovarao gornjem zaključku. Dok to mjesto još nije postojalo, današnji posjetitelji su bili mali poput miševa. No, godine su od njih učinili smjele borce koje se uvijek vraćaju kralju svih ratnika – čovjeku iza pulta i njegovom legendarnom čipsu u umaku od plodova mora.
Čak niti gazda nije znao kada je zalogajnica počela s radom, za njega je to bilo otprilike „kada se u predgrađu otvorila prva tvornica i još nije bilo dućana s prehranom“.

Horoscope of May

Rising Aries: The lunar eclipse will affect your finances. You may act impulsively regarding issues such as credit, inheritance, alimony, spouse or partner’s earnings, etc. You may have a large payment or debt burden. You may undergo a surgical procedure. From the second half of May, you can make ventures to increase your income. Money will flow to you. This is the luckiest and most prosperous period of the last 12 years for you.

Rising Taurus: The lunar eclipse affects your relationships. Relationships that are harmful, outdated, and toxic to you may come to an end. You can start or end relationships to clarify your unclear relationships. From the second half of May, luck will be with you. You can start developing yourself, making new beginnings, and looking at life from an optimistic perspective. The talents that you have not noticed before may come to the surface.

Rising Gemini: The lunar eclipse will affect your routines. You can regulate your habits and start exercising. There may be tension between you and your coworkers. You may quit your job and start a new one or get a promotion. Your health problems may arise. From the second half of May, you may be interested in activities that are good for your soul and occult subjects. You may want to isolate yourself. It is a great period to get therapy.

Rising Cancer: The lunar eclipse affects your children. Beware of unplanned pregnancies. You can leave anything that doesn’t give you pleasure. You may take a risky loan financially. In your love life, you can finish uncertain situations. From the second half of May, your social circle may expand. You may encounter opportunities to achieve your dreams and goals. You can take an active role in crowded groups, associations, and foundations. You may spend time on charity work. You can be more visible on social media.

Rising Leo: The lunar eclipse can affect your family and bring hidden issues to light, such as crises related to inheritance and debt. Those considering moving or leaving the family home may make clear decisions during this period. From the second half of May, there may be a rise in the field of work and career. Business owners may expand their businesses, while others may receive promotions or salary increases. Additionally, one may find a better job and experience a change in status.

Rising Virgo: The lunar eclipse can affect your thoughts and cause you to use harsh words and behavior towards those in your immediate circle. You may need to pay attention to short-distance travel. You can end previous agreements and clarify thoughts that have been occupying your mind for some time. From the second half of May, a lucky period may begin for foreigners, overseas issues, higher education, and legal matters. Those involved in imports, exports, and international relations may also be fortunate. If you have agendas related to obtaining a passport, visa, or traveling abroad, you can take action. Additionally, you may experience intensity in beliefs and philosophical topics, and start an education in a foreign language. If you have legal agendas, the outcome may be in your favor.

Rising Libra: The lunar eclipse can affect your income and bring up issues that require you to organize your financial matters. You may create a new budget plan and enter a period where your sources of income may decrease. You may search for new sources and spend money to develop your talents. From the second half of May, there may be luck and opportunities related to inheritance, alimony, credit, and debt. You may earn money from other people’s funds or increase your spouse’s income. There may be an increase in earnings obtained from partnerships, and you may develop yourself spiritually and focus on occult topics. Additionally, if you apply for a scholarship or credit, the outcome may be positive.

Rising Scorpio: The lunar eclipse is affecting you completely. You may go through an important change and transformation, rise from your ashes, and make radical changes. It’s time to molt. From the second half of May, you will have luck and opportunities in the field of marriage, relationships, and partnerships. You can start a new partnership or start a long-term relationship if you’re single. If you’re in a relationship, you can take steps like getting engaged or married. Those who are married can receive beautiful support from their spouse.

Rising Sagittarius: The lunar eclipse is affecting your subconscious. You can heal by purifying yourself from everything that affects you negatively in your subconscious and confronting your fears. Your hidden enemies may come to light, and you may want to be isolated. From the second half of May, you’ll have a lucky period in your work life. Job seekers may find a job, while employees may have increased workload. You may acquire pets. If you have health issues, you can get good results. Your responsibilities in daily life may increase.

Rising Capricorn: The lunar eclipse is affecting your friendships. You may end some of your friendships, leave your membership in groups and associations, and completely delete goals that you couldn’t achieve despite planning. From the second half of May, you’ll have luck and opportunities in your love life, with children and hobbies. You can have a flirt or start a new relationship. Those who want to have children will have the universe on their side. Those with children may experience beautiful developments. You’ll also have abundance and prosperity in investment. You can discover new hobbies and enjoy entertainment.

Rising Aquarius: The lunar eclipse affects your career. You may change your profession or workplace. This is a period when you will evaluate your status in society and make new decisions. From the second half of May, luck and opportunities will be on your side in the areas of home, family, real estate, and property. If you are living with family, you may move into your own home. You may engage in ventures such as buying a house or land. There may be renovation or relocation agendas. If there are any problems at home, you can resolve them during this period.

Rising Pisces: The lunar eclipse affects topics related to overseas and higher education. There may be clarifications and completions in areas such as overseas, academic, and legal matters. You may experience changes in your fanatic beliefs, and your perspective on life may change. From the second half of May, luck and opportunities will be with you in the areas of your immediate surroundings, education, short trips, and commerce. You can make money from these areas. Opportunities may arise in fields such as communication, sales, marketing, and media. You may make a leap into commerce. Your immediate surroundings may expand.

Author: Gamze Tezer
Translate: Aysenur Kursun

New person same old music taste

In this interview we talked with Nenad Borovčak from GOKUL about how he manages the event processes and how he started organising these events.

GOKUL Association is an organisation that wants to become a relevant and recognisable cultural institution that will meet the needs of the local community with its participation in the field of contemporary art practices, its programme and attract an audience of a wider region. We want to strengthen our organisation by offering a quality gallery, film and music programme on this track. The primary mission of this organisation is the promotion of contemporary art and independent culture. We strive to achieve our goal by strengthening and encouraging civil society, organising contemporary art exhibitions, independent film screenings and independent music concerts. The organisation operates in a local context with a passion for networking with regional, national and international partners from the world of art and culture.

Me: I want to make an interview about your perspective because I’ve noticed that you always have a unique approach. I’m particularly interested in your thoughts on music and concerts.

Nenad: I’m interested in a wide range of things, not just music. In film, for example, we work on small cinematography or documentaries, as well as host workshops for children. Last year, we even had a famous artist from Croatia lead a documentary workshop on the topic of children and violence, among other things.

This year, before the pandemic, I organised about six gigs a month, which equates to around 50 to 60 concerts per year. I don’t just book local bands, but bands from all regions. Even a band from Australia played here once. When you’re a club in Croatia, it’s very hard to book last-minute concerts because most serious clubs plan their programs six months or a year in advance. But I’m not like that. I might book a few concerts a year in advance, but I’m open to last-minute requests if I’m free and if I like the band.

I want to support the music scene, especially the kind of bands that are not so well-known but have potential. I’m looking for good music, not just big crowds. To help develop the music scene, I check out bands and if I like them and think they have potential, I’ll support them.

These days, most of our concerts are outdoor events that we hold in our yard. It’s a great location with a terrace, some green grass, and trees. We don’t just have music events there; we also hold film screenings, literature nights, and exhibitions. We’re always trying to connect different forms of art.

Actually, our long-term goal is to turn this place into a small club. There was an empty building here before, but the dormitory on the hill moved here, so we’re now sharing the space. We used to call the building the “old school”. Our idea was that if we could move to the empty building, it would be a great opportunity to start something new. I think it’s a beautiful facility and has a lot of potentials to become a bigger and better space for art and music events. We’re working on merging our resources with other partners to make it happen.

Q: Can you tell us about your thoughts on the role of artists in the community?

Nenad: We have to communicate with society. Artists have to be like researchers and not just come with paintings. They have to connect with the workshops and collaborate with the locals. This also applies to music, not just playing commercial tunes. We need workshops, residencies, and camps for artists to connect with the local community. Artists can live in the community for a year, produce music or art, and become a part of the community. This way, they can make a meaningful impact on the community. Cultural workers can also contribute by managing regeneration and connecting with people to bring in more resources and funding.
We have the Kiki Festival, a small film festival, with five programs divided by age group, ranging from kindergarten to high school. After each film, we discuss it with the kids and teach them about film techniques and other related topics. It’s important to involve children in the arts from a young age.
Art and culture have brought our town to life. They have connected us with people and resources from all over Europe, bringing in millions of euros every year. It’s important to be open to new ideas and to collaborate with others to create a thriving community.

Can you tell us about your musical taste and how you discovered your interest in lesser-known alternative bands?

Nenad: I started collecting records when I was 10 years old, and I started with the Beatles because my father brought me some records, like “A Hard Day’s Night” and “Help!” When I was 11, I had about 15 Beatles albums, and then I started getting into more recent hard rock music and heavy metal. Most of the people here listen to that kind of music, and we also have a good scene for it. We had the New Wave movement, which was also popular in the UK and the US.

My favorite band is Discipline of the Spine, a radical band from that time, along with Kitchen Discipline from Belgrade. I also listened to Post-Punk and Indie music, which is still popular today. I was also into Hip Hop, but more underground Hip Hop, and a bit of jazz Hip Hop, which came with the Beastie Boys two years ago.

My idea was to organize concerts here, and I started doing that more than 30 years ago. We didn’t have space back then, so we started with a festival called “Tabla Fest,” which was well-known in the region. People came from all over to attend the concerts every night. At the beginning, we had a huge amount of people, sometimes up to 500. We had some bigger festivals, but it depended on recycling, and today it’s hard because there are many festivals and concerts.

The town and municipality also organize events, but they can afford to pay more famous, mainstream bands. We can’t afford that, especially for independent bands, so we try to bring in very good bands, even better than mainstream ones, but unknown.

Nenad, could you give us some examples of bands that you have brought to your festivals or concerts that you feel are lesser known but deserve more recognition?

Nenad: Sure, I have brought many great bands to our events over the years. One example is a band from the US that we were able to book for a very reasonable fee. They were an amazing band and would normally charge much more for a European tour, but they were in between gigs and looking for a place to play. We were able to offer them a great experience, with a place to sleep, food to eat, and a receptive audience to perform for. It was a win-win situation for both the band and our audience.

Another band that stands out in my mind is one that played a unique style of music that was a blend of metal and oriental music. It was unlike anything I had ever heard before, and it was a fantastic performance that left a lasting impression on everyone who was there.

We have also had some great jazz bands and musicians perform at our events, as well as some local up-and-coming musicians who we have been able to support and give a platform to. It’s always a great feeling to see a new artist get discovered and gain recognition for their talent.

Living with a cloud of thought

How interested are you in human psychology? I’ve been interested in it for as long as I can remember. What determines our behavior? What emotions drive us to unknown places? The human mind is a huge place. It never ceases to amaze me.

I find it hard to decide whether external factors are the most important thing that shapes our lives, or what kind of person we are. For me, it is important to fight to be who you think you are, despite everything. But how much I know myself is something I can never be sure of.

Now I am facing the realization of something else. Human relationships, regardless of place, time, or culture, revolve around similar psychologies. Growing up in a different culture changes the way you communicate, but when you stop and think about it, the dynamics behind the behaviors are similar to human emotions.

What does it take to be human? We are social animals, sometimes I think that is the most difficult step in life. Living in a community, fulfilling needs, and existing, all these things involve communication. I think the only reason why communication is still so difficult after such a long human history is nothing but psychology.

I remember the first time I did the 16 personality test. To be able to fit a world of almost eight billion people into 16 different personalities… Of course, we are not just this person in the personality test. But it always seems to me a clear sign that a world so crowded, so full of ethnic diversity, cultural diversity, experiences, and memories, is as round as it is a circle.

One popular model for understanding personality is the “Big Five” personality traits: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. These traits are believed to represent the most significant dimensions of personality, and understanding them can provide insights into how individuals differ from one another.

Speaking of communication, it is indeed a crucial aspect of human relationships. Despite our differences in culture and language, we all share a basic need to connect with others and to feel understood. This need for connection and understanding is rooted in our innate social nature as human beings.

Ultimately, the study of human psychology is a fascinating and infinitely complex endeavor. While external factors such as culture and geography can certainly influence our behavior and emotions, there are also many innate factors that shape who we are as individuals. By continuing to explore and understand the workings of the human mind, we can gain a deeper appreciation of the complexity and richness of the human experience.

One of the most interesting aspects of human psychology is the fact that people can look at the same thing and see different things. This phenomenon is known as perception, and it’s an essential part of how we interpret and understand the world around us. Our perceptions can be influenced by a range of factors, including our experiences, beliefs, and emotions.

I want to think about the reasons why people who look at the same thing see different things. I am equally surprised that pink is pink for all of us. Is it enough just to want to understand each other? For me, there is nothing as valuable as the space created by the desire to understand human communication. Maybe all of these sentences sound very disorganized at first glance, but I would like to say that everything in life has similarities and connections on a micro or macro scale.

Despite these individual differences, the desire to understand each other is a powerful force that can bridge gaps in perception and interpretation. When we actively try to understand another person’s perspective, we can gain new insights and broaden our own understanding of the world.

Understanding the complexities of human psychology can help us navigate the challenges of life more effectively. By recognizing the similarities and connections that exist in the world around us, we can gain new insights and broaden our understanding of ourselves and others. Moreover, understanding human psychology can help us be more empathetic and compassionate towards others, as we can better appreciate the experiences that shape their behavior.

If you have read this far, I would like to thank you for bearing witness to what has been going through my mind, my confusion, and my excessive questioning. and I would like to tell you that there is a river where all dispersed thoughts flow like water and converge, and there is a sea where that river arrives. We must embrace stormy days as well as calm seas!

Aysenur Kursun

do you hear?


I hear them
their voices, screams
coming from under the ground
if you stop talking, start listening
you can hear their screams too
it is not that scary
even a bit magical
once you hear it
and sense the harmony between them
you will wish them to continue
to keep their chaotic choir on
singing and wailing
the rhythm might spring
or fall sometimes
but the songs will always carry
joy and anger
at the same time

if you listen carefully enough
you can discover the roots
in the soil
in the gust
in the blue
in every step you take
you can hear them
if you want to know their reasons
you might ask
but they only answer the screams
because only they can express
the harm and the lost

and when you raise your voice
to join them
you will understand a secret
that is earth and women
screaming together
they are sharing
the pain and the solidarity
resembling each other
to embrace their struggle
you can share your screams
and till all the universe
comprehend their song
we have to silence others
especially the voices of war
oppression and violence
only then we will be able to
rest and enjoy living

Doga Rojda Koldas

Equal means equal

I wanted to write about this topic, just to be clear and show my perspective. This issue is important to me. I see a lot of people who don’t understand what feminism means. It’s important because we need to be together if we want to win our rights. But at the same time, I don’t feel strong enough to explain this situation. To tell the truth, I believe deeply in gender equality, and when you believe so much in something, it can make you sensitive inside.


While it is important to address misunderstandings about feminism, failure to understand the diverse perspectives and goals of the movement can result in a loss to address critical issues related to gender-based oppression and inequality, and limit progress toward creating a more equitable and just society for all.


We can start by trying to understand Feminism. I would like to give some theoretical details about this approach. How the idea of feminism starts, how it changes and takes shape, we need to see the whole process.


First-wave feminism refers to the feminist movement that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which focused primarily on women’s suffrage (the right to vote) and political equality. First-wave feminists advocated for legal and political reforms that would grant women the same rights and opportunities as men. They also worked to challenge the traditional gender roles that limited women’s opportunities and perpetuated gender-based discrimination.


Second-wave feminism emerged in the 1960s and 1970s and was characterized by a focus on social and cultural issues, as well as greater diversity within the feminist movement. Second-wave feminists advocated for reproductive rights, equal pay for equal work, and an end to gender-based violence and discrimination. They also challenged traditional notions of femininity and masculinity and called for greater representation of women in all areas of society.


Third-wave feminism emerged in the 1990s and focused on issues of identity, diversity, and intersectionality. Third-wave feminists sought to broaden the feminist movement to include women from diverse backgrounds and experiences, including women of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, and people with disabilities. They also emphasized the importance of individual agency and choice in challenging gender-based inequalities.


It’s worth noting that these waves of feminism are not necessarily distinct or separate from one another, and there are ongoing debates within the feminist movement about the best approaches to achieving gender equality. Nonetheless, the waves of feminism provide a helpful framework for understanding the historical and ideological development of the feminist movement.


On the other hand, there are some important terms about feminism to know what we are talking about.


Gender equality: Feminists believe that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities in all areas of life, including politics, education, employment, and personal relationships. Feminists argue that gender-based discrimination, stereotypes, and violence are all barriers to achieving gender equality.


Intersectionality: Feminists recognize that gender intersects with other aspects of identity, such as race, class, sexuality, and ability, to shape individuals’ experiences of oppression and privilege. Intersectionality emphasizes the importance of considering multiple and overlapping forms of oppression when advocating for social justice.


Critique of patriarchy: Feminists critique patriarchal systems of power and domination, which are rooted in traditional gender roles that give men power and control over women. Feminists argue that patriarchy harms both women and men and perpetuates gender-based inequalities.


Empowerment: Feminists seek to empower women and marginalized groups by advocating for their rights and providing them with the tools and resources they need to thrive. This may involve creating safe spaces for women, supporting women’s economic independence, and promoting women’s leadership roles in all areas of society.


Solidarity: Feminists believe in the importance of building solidarity among women and marginalized groups to challenge systems of oppression and work towards a more just and equitable society. This involves listening to and amplifying the voices of those who have been historically marginalized and advocating for their rights alongside one another.


Ecofeminism: A feminist perspective that emphasizes the interconnections between the oppression of women and the exploitation of the natural environment. Ecofeminism recognizes that the systems of power that perpetuate gender-based oppression are also responsible for environmental destruction and ecological harm.


So how come feminism gets misconstrued?


Misunderstandings about feminism are common and often stem from a lack of education and societal conditioning. One common misconception is that feminism is about female superiority or that feminists hate men. However, this is far from the truth. Feminism is about gender equality and the belief that all individuals should have the same rights and opportunities, regardless of their gender.


Another misunderstanding is the idea that feminism is no longer necessary in modern society. While significant progress has been made in terms of women’s rights, gender inequality and discrimination still exist in many areas of society. Women continue to face challenges in areas such as the workplace, politics, and healthcare. Feminism is still necessary to address these issues and to ensure that everyone has equal opportunities and rights.


The patriarchal effect is another concept that is often misunderstood. Patriarchy is a system of social organization in which men hold power and dominate in various aspects of society, such as politics, business, and culture. The patriarchal effect refers to the ways in which patriarchal systems have a negative impact on everyone, including men. Patriarchal systems limit men’s emotional expression, restrict their roles in caregiving, and perpetuate harmful stereotypes about masculinity. Feminism seeks to challenge and dismantle these systems to create a more equitable society for all individuals.


It’s important to recognize these misunderstandings and work to educate others about the true goals and values of feminism. By understanding the ways in which gender inequality and discrimination continue to impact society, we can work towards a more just and equitable world for everyone.


Feminism is a monolithic movement with a single agenda: Feminism is a diverse movement with many different perspectives and goals. While all forms of feminism share a commitment to gender equality, there are many different approaches to achieving this goal, and feminists may have different priorities and beliefs about how to best address gender-based inequalities.


Feminists are all the same: Feminists come from a variety of backgrounds and have diverse experiences and perspectives. Not all feminists share the same beliefs or priorities, and there is room for debate and disagreement within the feminist movement.


Feminism is only concerned with issues that affect women in wealthy countries: Feminism seeks to address gender-based inequalities and discrimination on a global scale, including issues such as child marriage, female genital mutilation, and access to education and healthcare for women in developing countries. Feminism recognizes that gender-based oppression and inequality are universal issues that must be addressed on a global scale.


Can we use gender equality instead of feminism?


Gender equality is the goal of achieving fairness and equal treatment for individuals of all genders. It encompasses issues related to social, economic, and political rights, as well as access to education, healthcare, and other opportunities.


Feminism is a social and political movement that seeks to achieve gender equality and dismantle patriarchal systems of power and oppression. Feminism aims to promote the rights and interests of women, as well as other marginalized groups, and to create a more just and equitable society for everyone.


Both terms are closely related and share the goal of creating a world where all individuals, regardless of their gender, have the same rights and opportunities. So, you can use either or both terms in discussing the topic.


By understanding the history and goals of the feminist movement, we can recognize the ways in which gender-based oppression intersects with other forms of oppression, such as racism, ableism, and homophobia. This understanding can lead to greater awareness of the ways in which gender-based discrimination affects all areas of life, from the workplace to the home, and can inform efforts to create a more equitable and just society for all. Furthermore, understanding feminism can help promote gender equality by providing a basis for advocating for policies and practices that promote gender equity, such as equal pay for equal work, access to reproductive healthcare, and protections against gender-based violence.


Dignity, respect, and justice for all!


Aysenur Kursun



Tri skice životnih i pjesničkih uzora

Prodisat ću. Kao šuma, kao stablo kojem gule koru. (Tea Benčić Rimay: Preboljet ću te)

Na posljednjoj plesnoj radionici osjećala sam se kao drvo, kao da smo svi plesači dio prostrane, zelene šume koja zaneseno širi svoje grane. Dok bih plesala, sjećanje mi je neprestano prizivalo rečenicu: Prodisat ću. Kao šuma… Nakon što smo završili s plesom i sjeli na pod, kao što to obično radimo da bismo izmijenili iskustva, podijelila sam tu misao s ostatkom grupe, napomenuvši pritom kako je to citat jedne od mojih najdražih pjesnikinja. Kada sam objasnila da je riječ o autorici Tei Benčić Rimay, dvije su mi se plesačice zapanjeno obratile kazavši da je spomenuta spisateljica bila njihova profesorica u srednjoj školi te da im je značajno promijenila život. Ona me spasila kada mi je bilo najgore u tinejdžerskim danima, kazala je jedna. Sve tri bile smo osupnute spoznajom da u sebi i danas nosimo dio prekrasne osobe i spisateljice te da njene riječi i danas uvelike obilježavaju, upotpunjuju naš život.

Za Teu Benčić Rimay (1956. – 2009.) može se reći da je opskurna hrvatska autorica dvadesetoga stoljeća, koja se bavila manje popularnom književnom formom – pjesmom u prozi. Autoricu danas slavimo upravo jednom književnom nagradom koja se dodjeljuje za stvaralaštvo pjesme u prozi, no zapravo se Benčić Rimay rijetko spominje u književnom kanonu ili školskom kurikulumu. Citat koji mi se upisao u najsitnije atome bića dolazi iz knjige Sipine kosti, a dio je pjesme Preboljet ću te koja se sugestivno bavi odsutnošću ljubljenoga i pokušajem da se bol gubitka prevlada, i to, moglo bi se reći, kroz pisanje samo. Štoviše, cijela knjiga tematizira ljubav, odnosno rekonstrukciju ljubavnoga odnosa, na jedan vrlo osoban, a istovremeno univerzalan način. Knjiga je to koja pulsira strašću i ljudskom ranjivošću te je uvijek rado preporučujem kada govorimo o hrvatskom pjesništvu. Tea Benčić Rimay za mene je nezaobilazna lektira, ali i autorica čije su me pjesme, posebice spomenuta Preboljet ću te, zaista ‘spasile’ u trenucima najveće tuge ljubavnoga rastanka.


Tijelo je voćnjak. Tijelo se sklanja. Tijelo se gura. Tijelo se ozlijedi. Tijelo ustaje. Prazni se. Naraste. Tijelo grli. Tijelo nosi. (Dorta Jagić, Tijelo)


Kada razmišljam o autoricama koje su mi na neki način promijenile životnu perspektivu, moram spomenuti i našu pjesnikinju Dortu Jagić (1974.). Riječ je o nešto poznatijoj autorici koju danas vole i čitatelji i kritičari, a koja je za svoje pjesništvo višestruko nagrađivana. Međutim, mene je pak najviše očarala svojom knjigom kratkih priča Kičma, koju sam slučajno odabrala za pisanje seminara tijekom studija književnosti. Ta mala, no vrlo posebna knjiga možda je teže čitljiva zbog guste metaforike i mnogih tekstualnih slojeva, no posebno je zanimljiva zato što se bavi odnosom ženskoga subjekta prema vlastitome tijelu. Naime, Jagić me nagnala da promislim o tijelu na jedan drugačiji način, da shvatim kako tijelo u isto vrijeme mogu promatrati kao dio sebstva, ali i kao nešto što se nalazi izvan subjekta, kao objekt. Iz toga promatranja proizlaze shvaćanja tijela kao subjekta (jesmo tijelo), objekta (imamo tijelo) te kao procesa i performativnosti (postajemo tijelo), što je danas predmet mnogih multidisciplinarnih istraživanja tijela. Kičma zapravo predstavlja metonimiju tereta ženskoga tijela, ali i različite mogućnosti te fluidan prostor tijela, postavljajući pitanje o budućnosti koja se temelji na svijesti o ženskome tijelu i povezanosti ženske zajednice. Riječ je o knjizi koju bih preporučila svim čitateljicama, a posebice onima koje zanima pisanje poezije, jer je riječ o zaista inspirativnom, poticajnom štivu.


išla kroz šumu išla i sve zaboravila / išla išla išla šuma šuma šuma šuma / zaboravila zaboravite zaboravila (Anka Žagar: išla kroz šumu i sve zaboravila)


Treća autorica koju nikako ne smijem zaobići kada govorim o najdražim hrvatskim književnicama svakako je Anka Žagar (1954.). Riječ je o pjesnikinji koja je odrasla u Gorskom kotaru okružena šumom, planinom i rijekom, mirom prirode i nepresušnim vrelom motiva koje pretače u svoje pjesme. Ono što je najvažnije spomenuti kod pjesništva Anke Žagar jest to da je ona jedna od naših prvih pjesnika koji su se bavili granicama našega jezika (i svijeta) te pritom potraživali i osmišljavali vlastiti, specifičan jezični svijet. Na taj je način autorica kroz poeziju obnovila gramatičke, sintaktičke, semantičke i leksičke potencijale hrvatskoga jezika te nas uspjela začuditi neobičnim i neočekivanim stihovima poput: Kupa / podmetnut ću dlan / samo još jednom te spavati i teći. Također, Žagar je zanimljiva i kao osoba koja se na našoj suvremenoj sceni ističe izbjegavanjem medijske pozornosti, što je svojevrsna protuteža važnosti koju pridaje samom pjesničkom stvaranju, od kojega sve počinje i gdje sve završava. Naime, ono što učimo od Žagar jest da je utočište moguće pronaći u prirodi, kao i da uvijek postoji prostor za igru i osmišljavanje vlastitoga (umjetničkoga) svijeta.


*  *  *  *

Neke rečenice ili stihove nikada ne zaboravljamo, i oni postaju dijelom našega identiteta. Prate nas kroz one važne i manje važne situacije, dodaju boju svijetu oko nas, našim odnosima i našim emocijama. Zbog toga je čitanje važno, ne samo zato što donosi utjehu, utočište ili inspiraciju, nego i zato što može promijeniti naš pogled na svijet te nam otkriti novu perspektivu. Tea Benčić Rimay tako je mnogima promijenila život i kao autorica i kao profesorica hrvatskog jezika, a njen tankoćutan pjesnički rukopis čitala sam kada sam u riječima tražila utjehu i snagu. Knjiga priča Kičma Dorte Jagić oblikovala je moje poimanje tijela i pisanja, dok me poezija Anke Žagar naučila da možemo stvoriti vlastiti mikrokozmos, kako u umjetnosti, tako i u stvarnome životu.



Kristina Špiranec